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Crawford, CO
Runway 07/25:
Runway E/W:
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
+45 ft tree 100 ft l of ry 07 extdd cntrln 414 ft fm ry end.
Ry 25 has +20 ft trees 300 ft fm thld 0b.
Ry 25 has 50 ft water tanks 900 ft fm thld on extdd cntrln; +2 ft electric box 150 ft fm thld 30 ft r; +10 ft rd 100 ft fm thld 0b.
Pedestrians, motor vehicles, deer and wildlife on & invof arpt.
Ry e has +20 ft trees at thld 150 ft r of cntrln; +10 ft trees 150 ft fm thld 0b.
Ry w has +35 ft bldg 170 ft west of thld 30 ft l; +10 rd 100 ft fm thld cntrln; +15 ft trees 150 ft fm thld 0b.
Unlimited vehicle use on arpt.
(a70) 100ll fuel avbl for emerg use only.
-8 ft to -20 ft terrain off both sides of first 674 ft of ry 25 end.
Glider operations invof arpt.
Ry 07, has 40 ft trees and -10 ft to -20ft terrain 20 ft right of ry first 150 ft.
For cd ctc denver artcc at 303-651-4257.
Or call rob duncan 970-921-3400
West 1300 ft only 25 ft wide.
Nstd vasi, has 1 vasi box on left and right side of ry. for local operators only or ppr call 970-921-7700.
Has 20 ft trees 50 ft from thld 50 ft l & r of cntrln; +25 ft building 150 ft fm thld 30 ft l of cntrln.
Has 6 inch diameter irrigation pipes crossing runway width in various places. consists of +12 inch alfalfa vegetation during various times of the year.