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Last updated: 2023-10-04 22:27:55 EDT
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Prvdd vfr; apch slope sfcs clear for 20:1; ltg for apch end rwy 14 chgd to show green on apch side and red on rwy side; rmk added to a/fd re rwy 32 apch/ldg & lgt; and hgrs obstruction lgtd if night apchs/ldg to rwy 32 auth.
Acft taxiing on grass invof residential airpark hngr access.
Rwy 14 has uphill grade.
Dep rwy 14 hdg 160 degs to avoid school.
Noise sensitive area avoid deps btn 2300 and 0600. dep rwy 32 hdg 324 deg until over lake to avoid houses.
Rwy 32 has 10 ft drop-off 5 ft fm left side of pavement and acft parked 200 ft fm end of rwy 100 ft right of cntrln.
For cd ctc apch at 704-359-0241. call when at rwy ready for dep.
Ctc race city flt ops for tiedown, hngr, and fuel info at 704-662-6227.
Ctc race city flt ops for tiedown and fuel info at 704-662-6227.
Acft max wt 8000 lbs.
Actvt mirl rwy 14/32 - ctaf (7 clicks).
Unlgtd segmented crc.
Call for hngr avbl.
Arpt unatndd all maj hols.
Rwy 14 has dsplcd thr lights but no lights at beginning of pavement.
Apch ratio 9:1 at dsplcd thr.
+27 trees line 0-200 ft fm thr offset 121 ft right.