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Sadly, this airport is reportedly closed based on it being removed from the FAA's database.
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Bldg and parked acft within 90 ft of cntrln at north end of rwy.
Soft dirt all rwy edges; exit ramp & twy.
Fuel tank lctd 500 ft from rwy 20 thr & 125 ft left.
For cd ctc greensboro apch at 743-222-6129.
Rwy 02 has 40 ft drop-off 75 ft fm thr and 20 ft drop-off 50 ft left and right of cntrln.
Exer ctn with ngt ldgs due to non-std lgt end lgt not at rwy thr.
Seasonal farming opns, eqpt and hay bales invof rwy.
Unatndd sat, sun, new years day, easter, july 4th, thanksgiving, & christmas.
Rwy 02/20 nstd lirl; lgts smaller than std & rwy lgts more than 20 ft fm pavement edge; location and nr of end lgts nstd.
Rwy 02 nstd npi markings - smaller than normal; no aim markings.
Rwy 20 nstd npi markings - smaller than normal; no aim markings.