57C - East Troy Muni

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Airport Statistics
Location: East Troy, WI
Elevation: 860ft
Sectional: Chicago
Activation date: Jun 1958
Fuel: 100LL, A (prices)
Runway 08/26: 3,900ft
Runway 18/36: 2,446ft
Access: Open to the public
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  • Estab prior to 1959.
  • Ultralights & lsa training on & invof arpt.
  • Noise abatement procs in efct. tfc departing rwy 26 avoid overflight of residential area west of freeway.
  • For cd ctc milwaukee apch on gco. for cd when gco una ctc chicago artcc at 630-856-4562.
  • Mirl ry 08/26 is preset on low intst; to incr intst & actvt reil rys 08/26; papi ry 08 & ry 26; mirl 08/26 - ctaf.
  • Aviator svcs llc
  • Be alert: ry 18/36 not plowed 15 oct - 15 may.
  • Slopes up aprxly 20 ft fm west to east.
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