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Raleigh, NC
Activation date:
Jun 1975
Runway 16/34:
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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Vfr use only.
All acft over 6500 lbs prohibited.
Be alert for rising trrn all quadrants.
4 ft drop-off twy edge both sides - s end.
Tower (500 ft agl/ 826 ft msl) approx 1.75 nm nw of arpt.
Numerous unlgtd obstr invof arpt. night or tsnt tfc ldgs not rcmdd.
Rwy 16/34 has 4 ft drop-off 20 ft from pavement edge all sides.
Twy not lighted.
Rwy 16/34 paew parl twy.
Deer on and invof arpt.
For cd ctc raleigh apch at 919-380-3144.
Be alert 1000 ft of twy north end rwy 16 unusbl due to erosion under pavement.
Caution: vehicles on or invof of rwy 16/34.
Dusk-2400 actvt lirl - ctaf. no ctaf prior to dusk.
Heavy vegetation in cracks.
Rwy 16/34 markings nonexistent.
39 ft trees 0-200 ft from thr offset 109 ft right of cntrln.
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Runway in horrible condition. Steep approach required both rwys. 100ft trees, N, E, and S. Hangars rented out to businesses, only one or two active planes.
Runway in horrible condition. Steep approach required both rwys. 100ft trees, N, E, and S. Hangars rented out to businesses, only one or two active planes.