6Y9 - Prickett Grooms Fld

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Last updated: 2023-07-06 22:17:11 EDT
Transient Parking
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Airport Statistics
Location: Sidnaw, MI
Elevation: 1,372ft
Sectional: Green Bay
Activation date: Apr 1940
Fuel: None
Runway 10/28: 2,600ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • Prvdd area 125 ft either side ry cntrln & 200 ft of each end clear of obstn; area 60 ft either side ry cntrln & 240 ft off each end suitable for reducing risk of acft damage in the event acft runs off ry;
  • Rys not plowed. arpt clsd nov-may 15 & when snow covered except for ski equipped acft.
  • Camping & cabins adjacent, ph 906-355-2480.
  • Pilot shelter access: 1200
  • Deer, birds, & wildlife on & invof arpt.
  • Arpt is near mil.tng rts vr 1639 & ir 609 & underlies big bear moa. low level, high speed mil acft oper in vicinity.
  • For cd ctc minneapolis artcc at 651-463-5588.
  • Southern houghton county airport & heritage association
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