AK28 - Chena Marina

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Airport Statistics
Location: Fairbanks, AK
Elevation: 427ft
Sectional: Fairbanks
Activation date: Dec 1991
Fuel: 100LL (prices)
Runway 18/36: 4,700ft
Runway 18W/36W: 4,000ft
Access: Private to everyone
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  • Prvdd all requirements in letter dated 2/23/87 are followed.
  • Suais - 125.3/126.3(1-800-758-8723).
  • Use at own risk. chena marina is in fai class d airspace, all arriving/departing acft must ctc fai tower (118 .3) prior to operating in their airspace.
  • Tfc pattern is on the west side of rwys, with chena ridge being the westside boundary. tpa is 1000 ft msl, and in no case to be above 1200 ft msl, to allow for separation with other fai tfc.
  • Rwy closely bordered by trees, acft, and floatpond. occasional vehicles, people, and dogs on rwy.
  • Air taxi operations and at times heavy tfc on field. be aware all tfc may not be in same direction as fai.
  • Hard packed snow maintained on rwy during winter months. wheeled acft advised to call a local, on site fbo, for conditions.
  • Flight training with multiple tkofs and landings not allowed. no student pilot solo flights allowed.
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