APG - Phillips Aaf

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Location: Aberdeen Proving Grounds (Aberdeen), MD
Elevation: 44ft
Sectional: Washington
Fuel: None
Runway 04/22: 7,998ft
Access: Private to everyone
This is a military facility.
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  • Acft rescue and fire fighting protection not lctd on afld.
  • Fuel: j8.
  • Oil: 0-113-556(mil).
  • Remarks: afld opr 1100-2300z++ mon-fri exc hol. twr opr 1300-2100z++mon-fri exc hol.
  • Rstd: 24 hr ppr all acft. tran acft ldg at any site other than arpt before sr or 1200z++, whichever is later or after ss is proh. dsn 298-3483/3074, c410-278-3483/3074. rwy 08/26 ltd to 25,000 lb gwt. touch and go ldg proh while veh test in progress, lo apch only.
  • Caution: impact area 1300 yd 's' of rwy 04/22 and 2.5 miles 'sw' of dep enf of rwy 22. deer haz. ctc twr 15 min prior to arr to arng deer sweep. if twr clsd use extreme caution.
  • Ns abtmt: noise sensitive area. use ns abtmt opr pro.
  • Misc: class d airspace eff 1230-2130z++ mon-fri, and hol when twr open, ot class e.
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