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Turbo jet acft lndg & tkofs restricted to rwy 04/22.
Lcl opns suspended from 2300-0700 mon thru sat 2300 sat until 1000 sun.
Fixed wing vfr acft dep: rwy 4 - fly rwy hdg for 1 mi, then turn crosswind if remaining in the tfc pat. if departing the tfc pat, cont on rwy hdg til reaching tfc pat alt.
Fixed wing vfr acft dep: rwy 10 - fly hdg 080 deg at rwy dep end. upon reaching 900 ft msl, turn crosswind if remaining in the tfc pat; if departing the tfc pat, cont on hdg 080 deg til reaching tfc pat alt.
Fixed wing vfr acft dep: rwy 22 - fly rwy hdg til reaching 900 ft msl, then turn crosswind if remaining in the tfc pat. if departing the tfc pat, cont on rwy hdg til reaching tfc pat alt.
Fixed wing vfr acft dep: rwy 28 - fly rwy hdg for 1 mi then turn crosswind if remaining in the tfc pat. if departing the tfc pat, cont on rwy hdg til readhing tfc pat alt.
Pilots be alert -- the morristown ils & gps rwy 23 approaches transit essex co arpt class d asp. tfc passes two mi west of the arpt descending thru 2000 ft msl.
Deer & birds on & invof arpt.
Non-standard traffic patterns for rwy 04 prohibited due to noise sensitive area southwest of the airport.
For cd when atct is clsd ctc newark apch at 800-645-3206.
Rotocraft: if psbl, cross the arpt bdry at or abv 700 ft msl.
Eng run-ups on twy n at aer 28 shd be conducted to lmt efct to acft parked on rn ramp.
When atct clsd, papi rwy 22; hirl rwy 04/22; mirl rwy 10/28 opr consly. hirl rwy 04/22; mirl rwy 10/28 preset to low intst. to incrs intst and actvt reil rwy 22 - ctaf.
Tpa for large & turbojet acft 1527 ft agl; tpa for light acft 1027 ft agl.
Landing fee for all transient aircraft
Apch ratio 6:1 to dsplcd thld.
Ry 28 apch ratio 28:1 to dsplcd thld.
Apch ratio 13:1 to dsplcd thld.
Ry 10 apch slope 11:1 to dsplcd thld.
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Transient parking spaces are available with embedded tie-down rings.
Created about 1 year ago (2023-07-13 01:37:10 UTC)
Transient parking spaces are available with embedded tie-down rings.