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24 hr ppr rqrd by all for svc after 2200z++ and wkends; c502-898-4107; clsd federal hol and other times by notam; r/w hot pit avbl to trained aircrews only. for further fuel and training requirements refer to ap1.
Ficons not monitored aft hrs.
Snow removal equip oprs monitor ctaf when atct closed.
Supplementary lgtd windcones ry 11 & 01.
Rapidly rising terrain 1 nm northwest to northeast of arpt.
Acft c130 and lrgr, 180 deg turns allowed only on conc sfc at east and west ends of rwy 11/29 and south end rwy 01/19 conc sfc.
R6901b 500 yds dep end ry 11.
Rwy 01, 11, 29 nstd safety area byd each end due to terrain grade and fencing. nstd north lateral clearance rwy 11/29; see kcmy ap/1 for further information..
Extsv vfr assault strip tfc east of ry 11/29.
Intense paradrop ops invof 3.5 nm east-northeast of afld year round.
Rstd: arff svc avbl upon req with 72 hr ntc, index b svc avbl h24. 72 hr ntc for req c502-898-2508/3553, with req.
For cd when atct clsd ctc chicago artcc at 630-906-8921.
When twr clsd, mirl rwy 11/29 preset to low ss-sr; to incr intst mirl rwy 11/29; actvt reil rwy 11 & 29; mirl rwy 01/19 - ctaf.
Excp federal hols.
City of sparta (civil) amgr mark van vormer.
Us army leases part of arpt to city of sparta.
Self serv h24 with credit card on civil ramp.
Mil fuel ramp self svc 24/7 1 apr to 30 sep and h24 mon-fri 1 oct to 31 mar to trained mil key holders; 1 oct-31 mar ppr rqrd prior thurs by 2200z++ for wkend fuel or svc.