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Are you familiar with this airport? Help complete its documentation by adding some of the following info if applicable:
This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey.
Existed prior to 1959.
Rwy conds may not be mnt or rprtd when arpt is unatndd.
Noise abatement procs in efct. avoid over flying homes se of arpt. noise sensitive area aer 31. preferred use rwy is rwy 13. if practical acft dep rwy 13 use best climb rate & when above 400 ft agl turn left within 1 mile of der 13.
Geese on & invof arpt.
Gco avbl on freq 121.725 thru btv cd & flt svcs. ots indefly.
Rwy 13 thr hazus bird actvty.
Mts all quads.
Tfc pat ops prohibited s of rwy 13 & rwy 31.
Cold temperature airport. altitude correction required at or below -12c.