High Jacker's Restaurant is on the field. There are plenty of nearby hotels and it's close to the beach.
The airport [has a website]( with information on the noise abatement procedures.
High Jacker's Restaurant is on the field. There are plenty of nearby hotels and it's close to the beach.
The airport has a website with information on the noise abatement procedures.
Full-serve fuel is available at the FBO.
Self-serve fuel is available in the northwest corner of the airport.
Full-serve fuel is available at the FBO.
Self-serve fuel is available in the northwest corner of the airport.
Parking is $10/night for a GA piston single.
Parking is $10/night for a GA piston single.
Ceiling: | Sky clear |
Wind: | 290° @ 10kt, gusts 17kt |
Temperature: | 66°F |
Dewpoint: | 28°F |
Weather: | N/A |
Visbility: | 10SM |
KFIN 172250Z 29010G17KT 10SM CLR 19/M02 A3005