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Arff index c svcs prvdd btn 0600 and 2359 dly. arff index b svcs prvdd drg otr times. for index c svcs btn 0000 and 0559, 1hr 30min ppr at 203-907-9818.
Noise abatement procs in efct. departing rwy 20, right and left turn made only aft passing shoreline.
Tgl opns pmtd 0700-2200 mon-sat; 0800-2200 sun.
Avoid close-in base legs and short apchs ldg rwy 20.
Flt notification svc (adcus) avbl.
Clsd to acft over 78 db 0700-2200; 73 db 2200-0000 & 0600-0700; 68 db 0000-0600 excp mil emerg & med acft; ppr call 203-907-9818
Extsv hop sfc-10000 ft wi 20 mi nnw.
Wildlife fqtly on or invof arpt.
Tsnt prkg on east ramp only.
Paew adj to all opr sfcs dalgt hrs apr-oct.
Ldg hels use twys a & h intxn.
Standing water at intxn of twy d & c aft hvy rain.
For cd when twr clsd ctc new york apch at 516-683-2449 or 121.7.