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R/w acft pilots planning to conduct opr within r3005 must rcv a rng briefing prior to any opr. briefing shall be accomplished at least 4 hrs prior to flt on the reservation.
Rstd: all mil ppr and mil tran acft, ctc base ops 571-801-1579/1580.
Ns abtmt: no ovft of cantonment area or city of hinesville below 1000 ft agl.
Caution: extv r/w trng min lgt ss-sr. ctc twr prior to entering class d airspace. r3005 1.4 nm nw of afld. deer and pig haz.
Misc: mooring/tie-down straps not avbl.
Rstd: aviators briefed in the last 6 mos may receive a telephonic update briefing. ctc hunter aaf ops c571-801-8263/64. 1200-0100z++ mon-fri.
Civilian fbo ph#'s 912-877-4364 & 912877-4359.
Unmanned acft act in class d.
Rstd: twy e non movement areas clsd to fixed wing, rotary wing use with prior approval.
Misc: full wx svc eff 1100-0400z++mon-fri, clsd weekend and federal hol, ot remote briefing fr 26 ows barksdale afb, la, dsn 331-2651/2/3, c318-529-2651/2/3. dur periods of augment atc will assist in cooperative wx watch by notifying wx of unreported cond. augmentation mode, prevail sfc vis may not be represented of entire afld due to bldg obst and lack of vis. mark byd 1 1/2 sm. klhw fcst 571-801-1585/86.
Misc: main ramp parking pads 15-18 perm clsd / southern taxi lane perm clsd.
Caution: twys a, b, c signs removed or u/s. twy e perm clsd.
Cauiton: rwy 33r/15l signs removed or u/s. rwy 24r signs removed or unserviceable.
Caution: all distance remaining signs missing from all rwys.
When atct & marne rdo both clsd, actvt papi rwy 06l & 33r; hirl rwy 06l/24r & 15l/33r; twy a, b, c, & f - ctaf.
Twr will open for josac missions, dsn 435-3103. when base ops clsd, ctc hunter base ops dsn 729-5110, see flip ap/1 flt haz and supplementary arpt rmk.