MKC - Charles B Wheeler Downtown

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Location: Kansas City, MO
Elevation: 756ft
Sectional: Kansas City
Activation date: Apr 1940
Fuel: 100LL, A (prices)
Runway 01/19: 6,827ft
Runway 03/21: 5,050ft
Runway 04/22: 5,050ft
Access: Open to the public
Current Weather — VFR
  • Weather data is strictly informational and not for flight planning purposes.
    2025-02-14 04:54:00 CST
    Ceiling: Sky clear
    Wind: 080° @ 3kt
    Temperature: 19°F
    Dewpoint: 8°F
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 10SM
    Raw: KMKC 141054Z 08003KT 10SM CLR M07/M13 A3043 RMK AO2 SLP316 T10721128
  • TAF
    2025-02-14 06:00:00 CST – 2025-02-14 09:00:00 CST
    Ceiling: Sky clear
    Wind: 150° @ 7kt
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 6SM
    Clouds: Scattered @ 25,000ft
    Raw: KMKC 141120Z 1412/1512 15007KT P6SM SCT250 FM141500 15010G21KT P6SM BKN250 FM141900 16014G30KT P6SM OVC100 FM150100 15009KT P6SM OVC100 FM150900 14008KT P6SM BKN020
  • TAF
    2025-02-14 09:00:00 CST – 2025-02-14 13:00:00 CST
    Ceiling: 25,000ft
    Wind: 150° @ 10kt, gusts 21kt
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 6SM
    Clouds: Broken @ 25,000ft
    Raw: KMKC 141120Z 1412/1512 15007KT P6SM SCT250 FM141500 15010G21KT P6SM BKN250 FM141900 16014G30KT P6SM OVC100 FM150100 15009KT P6SM OVC100 FM150900 14008KT P6SM BKN020
  • TAF
    2025-02-14 13:00:00 CST – 2025-02-14 19:00:00 CST
    Ceiling: 10,000ft
    Wind: 160° @ 14kt, gusts 30kt
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 6SM
    Clouds: Overcast @ 10,000ft
    Raw: KMKC 141120Z 1412/1512 15007KT P6SM SCT250 FM141500 15010G21KT P6SM BKN250 FM141900 16014G30KT P6SM OVC100 FM150100 15009KT P6SM OVC100 FM150900 14008KT P6SM BKN020
  • TAF
    2025-02-14 19:00:00 CST – 2025-02-15 03:00:00 CST
    Ceiling: 10,000ft
    Wind: 150° @ 9kt
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 6SM
    Clouds: Overcast @ 10,000ft
    Raw: KMKC 141120Z 1412/1512 15007KT P6SM SCT250 FM141500 15010G21KT P6SM BKN250 FM141900 16014G30KT P6SM OVC100 FM150100 15009KT P6SM OVC100 FM150900 14008KT P6SM BKN020
  • TAF
    2025-02-15 03:00:00 CST – 2025-02-15 06:00:00 CST
    Ceiling: 2,000ft
    Wind: 140° @ 8kt
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 6SM
    Clouds: Broken @ 2,000ft
    Raw: KMKC 141120Z 1412/1512 15007KT P6SM SCT250 FM141500 15010G21KT P6SM BKN250 FM141900 16014G30KT P6SM OVC100 FM150100 15009KT P6SM OVC100 FM150900 14008KT P6SM BKN020
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  • Arpt clsd to acr opns with more than 30 psgr seats excp 24 hr ppr call amgr (816) 289-2718. air carrier ops not authorized in excess of 15 minutes bfr or aft sked arr or dep times w/o prior coordination with amgr confirming arff avbl prior to lndg or tkof.
  • Wildlife on & invof arpt.
  • Flocks of pigeons invof dep eor 04.
  • Rwy 04/22 vfr e tfc pat: departing rwy 04 right tfc attain tfc pat alt prior to turning crosswind. ldg rwy 22 mntn tfc pat alt until passing n of missouri river.
  • Atct has limited visibility of t-hangar aprons n twy d and w twy l .
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