MN84 - Benson

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Airport Statistics
Location: Benson, MN
Elevation: 1,033ft
Sectional: Twin Cities
Activation date: Dec 2016
Fuel: None
Runway H1: 45ft
Access: Private to everyone
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  • The proponent must meet all state and local requirements. the landing area must be limited to private use only. all operations must be conducted visually. because this is a private use heliport, all operators proceed at their own risk, and to enhance the safety of operations, we recommend: i. if the power poles and lines are removed i buried as planned, all helicopter approach / departure route operations should be conducted on a 150 degree clockwise to 220 degree egress heading i 330 degree clockwise to 040 degree ingress heading using the center of the heliport as the reference point. operations may also be conducted on a 320 degree egress heading / 140 degree ingres s heading using the center of the heliport as the reference point. 2. a wind indicator is installed and maintained adjacent to the heliport , away from the approach and departure routes, and outside the safety area as planned. 3. no night helicopter operations are conducted unless the heliport and wind indicator are lit in accordance with ac l 50/5390-2c, paragraph s 216 and 212c. 4. due to the close proximity of the benson airport (bbb), operators should monitor and provide traffic advisories on the bbb common traffic advisory frequency 122.80. 5. the takeoff/ landing area is appropriately marked in accordance with ac l 50/5390-2c, paragraph 215 as planned...
  • For cd ctc minneapolis artcc at 651-463-5588.
  • City mgr: kyle harris
  • Email address: (all lower case)
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