NSI - San Nicolas Island Nolf

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Location: San Nicolas Island, CA
Elevation: 506ft
Sectional: Los Angeles
Activation date: May 1941
Fuel: None
Runway 12/30: 10,002ft
Access: Private to everyone
This is a military facility.
Current Weather — VFR
  • Weather data is strictly informational and not for flight planning purposes.
    2025-01-14 07:53:00 PST
    Ceiling: Sky clear
    Wind: 010° @ 5kt
    Temperature: 51°F
    Dewpoint: 41°F
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 7SM
    Raw: KNSI 141553Z 01005KT 7SM CLR 11/05 A3030 RMK AO2 SLPNO T01110050 $
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  • Rstd: offl bus. ppr for all tsnt acft. min 24 hrs pn; min 48 hrs pn for lrg/hvy acft. ctc san nicholas atc dsn 351-2253, c805-989-2253. civ acft rqr valid/apvd civil aircraft landing permit (calp); ctc nbvc airfield mgr c805-989-8003/4737. new calp rqrs 30 days prior notice for coord/legal review. wt brg waivers rqr nbvc (pt mugu) afld mgr apvl min 24 hrs prior notice. all mil readiness exers/trg events rqr cdn with nbvc afld mgr prior to ppr being issued. no fleet svc avbl. acft prkg space extremely ltd. no hngr space. 180-deg turns on porous friction sfc prohibited. mv-22 ops prohibited.rstd: offl bus. ppr for all tsnt acft. min 24 hrs pn; min 48 hrs pn for lrg/hvy acft. ctc san nicholas atc dsn 351-2253, c805-989-2253. civ acft rqr valid/apvd civil aircraft landing permit (calp); ctc nbvc airfield mgr c805-989-8003/4737. new calp rqrs 30 days prior notice for coord/legal review. wt brg waivers rqr nbvc (pt mugu) afld mgr apvl min 24 hrs prior notice. all mil readiness exers/trg events rqr cdn with nbvc afld mgr prior to ppr being issued. no fleet svc avbl. acft prkg space extremely ltd. no hngr space. 180-deg turns on porous friction sfc prohibited. mv-22 ops prohibited.
  • Misc: hgr space maint not avbl.
  • Jasu: 1(gtc-85) 1(nc-10c) 1(ncpp-105)
  • Tfc pat: rgt tfc rwy 30.
  • Caution: possible turbulence short final rwy 30.
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