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Last updated: 2023-09-29 16:32:24 EDT
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Last updated: 2023-11-14 22:43:00 EST
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Rwy 8/26 not avbl for sked acr opns with more than 9 pax seats or unsked acr at least 31 pax seats.
Calm wind rwy.
Rwy 36 rthl not std.
Rwy 18/36 redl not std.
Rwy 18 renl not std.
Rwy 18/36 safety area nonstd irg sfc fm ongoing wildlife burrow mitigatation.
Rwy 08/26 safety area nonstd ireg sfc fm ongoing wildlife burrow mitigatation.
Pcr value: 450/f/a/x/t
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Elevation 89 (https://www.elevation89attheocalaairport.com/) is in the airport and is a good place to stop for lunch and dinner. I’ve both eaten there and gotten food to go when I was pressed for time and needed to eat in the airplane.
Created almost 2 years ago (2023-03-31 15:02:49 UTC)
Elevation 89 (https://www.elevation89attheocalaairport.com/) is in the airport and is a good place to stop for lunch and dinner. I’ve both eaten there and gotten food to go when I was pressed for time and needed to eat in the airplane.