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Are you familiar with this airport? Help complete its documentation by adding some of the following info if applicable:
Tpa helicopter 4050 msl/500 agl; single 4350 msl/800 agl; multi 4550 msl/1000 agl; turbine 5050 msl/1500 agl.
Call ahead for avbl.
Emerg - police 928-634-4246.
100ll fuel avbl h24 with credit card.
300 ft paved stwy both ends.
12 ft brush 50 - 200 ft fm thr 120 - 175 ft r of cntrln; 15 ft brush 30 - 200 ft fm thr 140 - 250 ft l of cntrln; 4 ft berm 30 - 200 ft fm thr 125 - 250 ft l of cntrln.
Dep mntn rwy hdg 1 nm byd dep end & 500 ft agl prior to turn.