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Landing fee for intinrnt multi-engine acft requesting twr svc 0330z-1230z.
No updated field or braking action reports avbl btn 0330z-1230z.
60 ft dropoff 150 ft fm ry 28 end.
Noise abatement proc in effect for lrge acft remaining in pattern ctc airfield manager for details..
Birds on & invof arpt.
Military c130 pattern operations conducted daily.
Military: ang: ppr base ops durg duty hr dsn 344-2621, c518-344-2621; ot comd post dsn 344-2420, c518-344-2420.
Military: caution: bash phase ii period (15 mar-15 may) and (1 jul-15 nov). bird watch cond (bwc) svr: tkoff, ldg & lcl trng proh unless msn estnl; bwc mdt: mult apch proh, dep & full-stop allowed if rte avoids bird act; ctc ang afld ops (call-sign "skier ops") for current bwc.
Military: ang apron: orange dashed wingtip clnc lines both sides of yellow center taxiline. dashed wingtip lines provide positive, clearly identifiable obst clnc for taxiing acft. any object parked on back side of lines provide no wingtip clnc issue.
No ultra-light operatons in class d airspace without approv fm atct.
Flt notification svc (adcus) avbl.
Fuel: a++ (mil).
For cd ctc albany apch at 518-862-2299.
Military: ang: opr 1030-2000z++ mon-fri, clsd wknd and fed hol. schenectady county airport fone nr (518)399-0377. comsec storage avbl for tran crews.
Highly recommend stopping by Lily’s Cafe and Flightline Pub if you happen to be stopping by!