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Whispering Pies is good pizzeria fare in the shopping center directly south of the field (2min drive) if you’re not going to be sticking around long but want quick food. They have a slice bar but it closes at like 3:00 or something stupid I can’t remember.
Nearby is BQ1 which is home to the legendary Pik n Pig. This is the closest alternative if you can’t get into BQ1 for whatever reason (performance, IFR etc).
FBO is nice, free water bottles. Not sure about crew car.
Created almost 2 years ago (2023-04-14 04:35:08 UTC)
Whispering Pies is good pizzeria fare in the shopping center directly south of the field (2min drive) if you’re not going to be sticking around long but want quick food. They have a slice bar but it closes at like 3:00 or something stupid I can’t remember.
Nearby is BQ1 which is home to the legendary Pik n Pig. This is the closest alternative if you can’t get into BQ1 for whatever reason (performance, IFR etc).
FBO is nice, free water bottles. Not sure about crew car.