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Leicester, VT
New York
Activation date:
Feb 2020
Runway H1:
Access: Private to everyone
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Pwr lines parl to the aces road shall be mkd the entr len fm rte 7 to the fork in the road to the e (unlit orange ball wire markers). all ops are at their own risk. egress 270 deg hdg for aprxly 300 ft, then l turn to hdg 185 deg, parling rte 7. ingress 005 deg hdg, parling rte 7, r turn to hdg 090 deg. each year, owner should insp ldg area to ensure safe ops and rprt fld conds to oprs of spraying ops. ldg area should be mowed and mkd to allow pilot to id easily (spray painted outline for tlof and fato). day vfr ops only. wind indcr should be prvdd, clear of safety area, vsb on apch up to 500 ft agl. portable fire extinguisher should be avbl drg hop.