W00 - Freeway

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Airport Statistics
Location: Bowie, MD
Elevation: 168ft
Sectional: Washington
Activation date: Jun 1961
Fuel: 100LL (prices)
Runway 18/36: 2,420ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • Estab prior to 1959.
  • Tpa 1000 ft msl (832 ft agl) for acft less than 4000 lbs max gwt; tpa 1200 ft msl (1032 ft agl) for acft greater than 4000 lbs.
  • -15 ft drop 80 ft from apch to rwy 36.
  • -7 ft drop 50 ft fm apch end rwy 18.
  • Unlgtd antenna 135 ft agl 600 ft nw aer 18.
  • For cd ctc potomac apch at 866-599-3874.
  • Twy runup area for rwy 36 clsd.
  • Actvt papi rwys 18 & 36; mirl rwy 18/36 - ctaf.
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