Ocean Shores airport is within walking distance of the beach and the town of Ocean Shores with various food and lodging options.
[Ocean Shores golf course]( is a half mile walk due west from the ramp.
Ocean Shores airport is within walking distance of the beach and the town of Ocean Shores with various food and lodging options.
Ocean Shores golf course is a half mile walk due west from the ramp.
Transient parking is available anywhere on the ramp.
Transient parking is available anywhere on the ramp.
I love flying into Ocean Shores but have had several go-arounds due to flocks of large birds (assumed geese) taking off out of the ditch west of the runway while on short final and flying across the runway toward the water. Another thing to be aware of is that both Ocean Shores and Westport are often affected by coastal fog when Bowerman (HQM) is reporting clear.