W95 - Ocracoke Island

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Last updated: 2023-04-14 19:13:12 EDT
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Location: Ocracoke, NC
Elevation: 4ft
Sectional: Charlotte
Activation date: May 1969
Fuel: None
Runway 06/24: 2,998ft
Runway H1: 100ft
Access: Open to the public
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  • Actvt heli beacon - ctaf.
  • Arpt clsd 30 min after ss til 30 min before sr.
  • High speed low level mil ops invof of arpt.
  • Flocks of seagulls on and near rwy arnd standing water after hvy rains.
  • Rwy safety area is loose sand; not suitable for acft.
  • Rwy not lgtd - night ops prohibited.
  • Arpt is wi cape hatteras ntl seashore. mntn 2000 ft ver & horizontal dist from seashore beaches.
  • Rwy subject to residual flooding during and after heavy rain.
  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    Ocracoke is a favorite day trip for the family. The beach is great, especially before and after the summer season when the tourists have left.

    Howard’s Pub and Jason’s Restaurant are both good, full-service restaurants. Jason’s is open all year while Howard’s Pub tends to close during the off-season. They are both within walking distance of the airport, though in the summer you may have to run to avoid the gauntlet of mosquitos that swarm the wetlands.

    The aircraft movement areas are decent enough. Dunes on either side of the runway tend to kill the wind in the last 20-30 feet, so expect a bit of wind shear when landing and departing on windy days.

    Created almost 2 years ago (2023-04-14 15:35:10 UTC)
    Helpful count: 1
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