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Grass Valley, CA
San Francisco
Runway 01/19:
Access: Private to everyone
Is this airport privately owned but open to the public with or without restrictions? Or perhaps the owner is simply happy for pilots to stop by with prior permission?
Acft tiedown in prim sfc east of ry 01/19 60 ft fm cntrln.
Part 77 viol: trees & terrain east & west of rwy penetrate 7:1 slope.
Wind permitting land on rwy 01; takeoff on on rwy 19 due to excessive gradient.
Hangars 125 ft west of rwy centerline.
Landing rwy 19 prohibited.
The neighborhood surrounding the airport is noise sensitive. arriving aircraft should fly only the recommended left-hand traffic pattern for runway 1. enter the pattern from either an upwind leg or directly from overhead. avoid low passes.
Ry 19 is used for dep only. use a standard left turn out. prior permission and a briefing from an owner or director is required before landing.