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Last updated: 2023-12-19 22:06:28 EST
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Are you familiar with this airport? Help complete its documentation by adding some of the following info if applicable:
Rwy 01 has 100 ft drop-off 315 ft fm thr offset 140 ft right and 160 ft left of cntrln; and 100 ft drop-off 700-900 ft along cntrln offset 80 ft right.
Deer in vicinity of arpt.
For cd ctc greer apch at 864-877-8275. when greer apch clsd, for cd ctc atlanta artcc at 770-210-7692.
Twy a toward rwy 1 has 30 ft drop-off 60 ft right of cntrln.
Rwy 19 has 12 ft unmarked power lines 440 ft fm thr both sides of cntrln.
57 Alpha has closed down due to owner’s health issues. He is looking for someone to purchase the restaurant and re-open it.