6S9 - Stehekin State

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Stehekin is an isolated mountain community in the middle of the Cascades. There are roads in the valley, but the only to get here is by hiking, flying, or the ferry. Technically located within the North Cascades National Park, there are numerous outdoor activities available here.

The park's Harlequin campground is within walking distance from the airport, but reservations are required for all but one of the campsites. Reservations can be made at recreation.gov but do fill up well before summer during the spring reservation season. Other North Cascades campsites are in the area, but require more of a hiking/backpacking trek to reach. See the park's campsite map for details on this.

A shuttle bus is available which travels up and down Stehekin Valley road during the summer. Folding bikes are also useful for getting up and down the valley. If you don't have your own there are a handful of bikes stationed at the airport near the tie-downs.

The Stehekin Pastry Company is well worth a stop for both sweet baked goods/ice cream or pizza/sandwiches. Rainbow Falls is also a worthwhile detour too just off the main valley road.

Finally, various commercial lodging operations are available too along the valley road such as the Stehekin Valley Ranch. These generally fill up quickly for summer reservations so making plans ahead of time is generally required. This may be difficult for fly-in trips, however, since they generally do not offer refunds for uncooperative weather.

For airport operations, the field slopes up to the northwest. It is recommended to arrive 31 and depart 13. Due to the height of the trees it typically necessary to do an offset approach until right before short final. Keep in mind density altitude in the summer and late go-arounds. Go-arounds are possible, but mind the rising terrain in all directions except out along the lake.

Last updated: 2024-10-15 10:53:01 PDT
Transient Parking

Parking is available on the east side of the runway.

Last updated: 2023-03-06 19:45:35 PST
Fuel Location
Landing & Tie-down Fees
Crew Car Availability

There is no car available, but the Stehekin Bus travels up and down Stehekin Valley Road during the summer season with a stop at the bridge near the airport. See https://stehekin.com/stehekin-shuttle/ for details.

Last updated: 2023-03-06 19:46:54 PST
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Airport Statistics
Location: Stehekin, WA
Elevation: 1,230ft
Sectional: Seattle
Activation date: Jun 1961
Fuel: None
Runway 13/31: 2,630ft
Access: Open to the public
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