Over 1 year ago
2023-10-01 00:03:22 EDT
The [Runway Cafe](https://runwaycafegmu.com/) is located on the field. Down the road within walking distance is [Cohesive Coffee](https://www.cohesivecoffee.com/) (no food, only coffee). A taco shop is located in the same building too.
The [Military History Center of the Carolinas](https://milhcc.org/) museum is a short walk from the Runway Cafe.
Krispy Kreme donuts is located on Tower Dr about 1/4 mi walk from Tower Ramp (Greenville Jet Center FBO).
The [Runway Cafe](https://runwaycafegmu.com/) is located on the field. Down the road within walking distance is [Cohesive Coffee](https://www.cohesivecoffee.com/) (no food, only coffee). A taco shop is located in the same building too.
The [Military History Center of the Carolinas](https://milhcc.org/) museum is a short walk from the Runway Cafe.
Krispy Kreme donuts is located on Tower Dr about 1/2 mi walk from Tower Ramp (Greenville Jet Center FBO).
Over 1 year ago
2023-09-30 23:59:49 EDT
The [Runway Cafe](https://runwaycafegmu.com/) is located on the field. Down the road within walking distance is [Cohesive Coffee](https://www.cohesivecoffee.com/) (no food, only coffee). A taco shop is located in the same building too.
The [Military History Center of the Carolinas](https://milhcc.org/) museum is a short walk from the Runway Cafe.
The [Runway Cafe](https://runwaycafegmu.com/) is located on the field. Down the road within walking distance is [Cohesive Coffee](https://www.cohesivecoffee.com/) (no food, only coffee). A taco shop is located in the same building too.
The [Military History Center of the Carolinas](https://milhcc.org/) museum is a short walk from the Runway Cafe.
Krispy Kreme donuts is located on Tower Dr about 1/4 mi walk from Tower Ramp (Greenville Jet Center FBO).
The [Runway Cafe](https://runwaycafegmu.com/) is located on the field. Down the road within walking distance is [Cohesive Coffee](https://www.cohesivecoffee.com/) (no food, only coffee). A taco shop is located in the same building too.
The [Military History Center of the Carolinas](https://milhcc.org/) museum is a short walk from the Runway Cafe.