UNM47 - Minietta Mine

Revision History
About 1 year ago
2023-07-13 19:00:55 PDT
  • Gully: (36.24418178647571, -117.41406352489031)
  • Minietta Mine is a backcountry strip that sits on BLM land. It was recently restored by volutneer pilots for recreational use. The runway is ~2,000ft long, however due to a gully in the middle (that can be slowly taxiied over at low speeds) the usable runway is closer to 1,000ft.
  • See https://backcountrypilot.org/forum/minietta-mine-airstrip-23016 for more details.
About 1 year ago
2023-07-13 19:00:05 PDT
Tag Added
  • camping
About 1 year ago
2023-07-13 19:00:01 PDT
Tag Added
  • public_
About 1 year ago
2023-07-13 19:00:01 PDT
Tag Added
  • unmapped
About 1 year ago
2023-07-13 19:00:00 PDT
Landing rights
  • public_
Landing requirements