Pirep is a free, collaborative database of all public and private airports located within the United States. All pilots are welcome to contribute, edit, and improve any airport they have local knowledge about, no registration required.
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This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey.
Existed prior to 1959.
Deer, birds, other wildlife on & invof arpt.
Rwy 15/33 distance markers every 1000 ft west side rwy.
For cd when atct is clsd ctc potomac apch at 866-429-5882.
Noise abatement for runway 22: continue straight out or make a right turn to avoid overflight of the town of easton. departures should avoid overflight of the town of easton below 2000 ft.
Aircraft should avoid overflight of the town of easton and residential areas near the airport to the extent possible.
Noise abatement for runway 4: if traffic permits, make a slight left turn after departure to avoid overflying retirement community.