[The Landing Strip Cafe]( is on the field and open daily from 7AM - 2PM. It's a good breakfast spot.
You can take the crew car to nearby Sutton Farms for fresh meat and homemade ice cream.
The Landing Strip Cafe is on the field and open daily from 7AM - 2PM. It's a good breakfast spot.
You can take the crew car to nearby Sutton Farms for fresh meat and homemade ice cream.
Ceiling: | Sky clear |
Wind: | 200° @ 7kt |
Temperature: | 82°F |
Dewpoint: | 69°F |
Weather: | N/A |
Visbility: | 10SM |
Clouds: | Few @ 8,000ft |
KOBE 251615Z AUTO 20007KT 10SM FEW080 28/21 A3008 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E