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noise abatement procedures in effect; ctc amgr 360-568-1541.
Helicopter trng west of rys 500 ft & blo.
Additional parachute student drop zone 1 nm e of arpt mkd with white 'x'. arriving helicopter traffic approach helipads from ne or se to avoid student drop zone.
Rys 15l & 15r calm wind rys.
Parachute drop zone between ry 15l/33r and main twy, large gravel circle.
For cd ctc seattle apch at 206-214-4722.
Non std traffic pattern indicator lctd near wind cone.
Pilots bring own tiedowns.
One wind cone one tee.
Fuel 24 hr credit card svc avbl.
Closed nov 1 - may 31.
Nstd lirl; thld lights 360 degs green.
Apch slope 14:1 to +40 ft pline 590 ft fm dsplcd thld.
Apch slope 6:1 from dsplcd thld.
Apch slope 14:1 fm dsplcd thr.
Apch slope 6:1 from dsplcd thld.
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Touch and Goes are not permitted by the rental aircraft and also not recommended due to short field length and wires on the north end, road on the south.
Created about 1 year ago (2024-01-05 07:12:57 UTC)
Helpful count: 1
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Traffic can include no-radio aircraft and skydiving jump plane that will descend into the traffic area, monitor 123.00.
Created about 1 year ago (2024-01-05 07:10:45 UTC)
Helpful count: 1
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Midfield traffic pattern entry from the east is not recommended due to skydiving operations and heavy flight school traffic. Use standard 45 entry.
Created about 1 year ago (2024-01-05 07:09:17 UTC)
Touch and Goes are not permitted by the rental aircraft and also not recommended due to short field length and wires on the north end, road on the south.
Traffic can include no-radio aircraft and skydiving jump plane that will descend into the traffic area, monitor 123.00.
Midfield traffic pattern entry from the east is not recommended due to skydiving operations and heavy flight school traffic. Use standard 45 entry.