S43 - Harvey Fld

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Harvey Field is home to Skydive Snohomish and is also a popular GA airport serving the Seattle area. A Buzz Inn steakhouse is present on the field and downtown Snohomish with many more food and shopping options is a short walk across the river.

The grass runway (15R/33L) is only open seasonally during the summer. Confirm it is open before landing on it. Yellow Xs are on it when closed.

Snohomish Inn provides shuttle service to/from the airport. The airport website has a full list of services available here: http://harveyfield.com/Services.aspx.

Last updated: 2024-01-04 23:08:28 PST
Transient Parking

Transient parking is along the north-south taxiway.

Last updated: 2024-01-08 21:13:13 PST
Fuel Location

Self-serve pumps are next to the maintenance hangars on the southwest corner of the main ramp. Truck service is also available from the FBO.

Last updated: 2024-01-08 21:13:13 PST
Landing & Tie-down Fees


Last updated: 2024-01-04 23:07:00 PST
Crew Car Availability

Enterprise will deliver rental cars to the field.

Last updated: 2024-01-04 10:55:18 PST
Flying Clubs
WiFi Access


Last updated: 2024-01-04 23:07:46 PST
Airport Statistics
Location: Snohomish, WA
Elevation: 22ft
Sectional: Seattle
Activation date: Dec 1945
Fuel: 100LL, A (prices)
Runway 15L/33R: 2,672ft
Runway 15R/33L: 2,430ft
Runway H1: 15ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    Touch and Goes are not permitted by the rental aircraft and also not recommended due to short field length and wires on the north end, road on the south.

    Created about 1 year ago (2024-01-05 07:12:57 UTC)
    Helpful count: 1
  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    Traffic can include no-radio aircraft and skydiving jump plane that will descend into the traffic area, monitor 123.00.

    Created about 1 year ago (2024-01-05 07:10:45 UTC)
    Helpful count: 1
  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    Midfield traffic pattern entry from the east is not recommended due to skydiving operations and heavy flight school traffic. Use standard 45 entry.

    Created about 1 year ago (2024-01-05 07:09:17 UTC)
    Helpful count: 1
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