SZP - Santa Paula

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Last updated: 2023-05-31 19:52:48 PDT
Transient Parking
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Airport Statistics
Location: Santa Paula, CA
Elevation: 250ft
Sectional: Los Angeles
Activation date: Apr 1940
Fuel: 100LL (prices)
Runway 04/22: 2,665ft
Runway H1: 60ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • Estbd before 5/15/59.
  • Night opns prohibited.
  • +4 ft sign in prmary sfc at ne end of arpt.
  • Ultralights; banner towing; gliders; rc models oper in the vicinity.
  • Daily aerobatic activity 3-18 miles east up to 5,255 ft agl, monitor on 122.775.
  • Be alert to wires crossing over river bed adjacent to ry 04/22. locations: 1.5 miles & 3.5 miles sw apch end ry 04. also, 1,500 ft and 2.5 miles ne apch end ry 22.
  • Hel must use dsgnd heli lctd mid-field on the south side. all apchs/deps are from the south
  • Tsnt hel rsrtd to the heli. hover taxi not auth.
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