WA09 - Roche Harbor

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Last updated: 2023-03-05 23:04:30 PST
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Last updated: 2023-09-29 22:33:09 PDT
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Last updated: 2023-04-03 08:37:04 PDT
Airport Statistics
Location: Roche Harbor, WA
Elevation: 100ft
Sectional: Seattle
Activation date: Jul 1961
Fuel: None
Runway 07/25: 3,593ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • No line of sight btn ry ends. pilots maintain comms on freq 128.25 with ldg lgts on.
  • No parking on grass durg rainy season nov-apr.
  • Medivac acft have priority use of arpt, and the two helipads.
  • Ngt opns not recommended.
  • Drainage ditch n. side ry 30 ft fm ry edge.
  • No intersection departures from twy c.
  • No departures allowed from twy c.
  • Unicom frequency ctaf - 128.25
  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    One of my favorite destinations. Good place for walks on nearby roads and through the old limestone quarries.

    Created over 1 year ago (2023-04-03 15:38:47 UTC)
    Helpful count: 0
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