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Last updated: 2023-04-14 18:42:17 PDT
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Last updated: 2024-01-09 23:37:44 PST
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Are you familiar with this airport? Help complete its documentation by adding some of the following info if applicable:
Power lines sw of ry penetrate 7:1 transitional sfc.
Birds on and invof arpt.
(e125) includes 3 amphibians.
Airport closed to helicopter training / pattern operations 2000-0800.
Dirt infield areas. helicopters advised to use care to prevent blasting dirt and debris onto movement areas.
For cd when atct clsd ctc socal apch at 800-448-3724.
When atct clsd, arpt lgt oprs consly.
Air traffic mgr: 818-896-5555.
La county ctc: paul maselbas, 626-300-4600 x4615.
Apch ratio 30:1 to dsplcd thld; apch ratio to dsplcd thld over 33 ft bldg 850 ft fm dsplcd thld 95 ft r 25:1.
Apch ratio 22:1 to dsplcd thld; apch ratio to dsplcd thld over +35 ft tree 488 ft fm dsplcd thld 110 ft r 13:1.
Voluntary curfew in efct. all acft oprs, excp for flts related to emerg, lifesaving, firefighting, law enforcement, govt agencies, and svcs to the public such as news media, are reqd to avoid conducting acft arrs and deps btn 2200 and 0600 daily.