7N8 - Butter Valley Golf Port

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Last updated: 2023-09-07 01:20:56 EDT
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Location: Bally, PA
Elevation: 500ft
Sectional: New York
Fuel: None
Runway 16/34: 2,420ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • Vfr ops only
  • Rwy 16/34 lctd in middle of golf course.
  • Trees & substantial trrn elev chgs within 125 ft of each rwy edge.
  • For cd ctc allentown apch at 800-728-6322.
  • Rwy 34 119 ft tree line 1472 ft fm rwy end; 233 ft right. 12:1 slope to dthr.
  • Rwy 16/34 1535 ft x 24 ft asph insert at s end; remainder turf.
  • Ctlng obstn exceeds a 45 deg slp.
  • Apch ratio 25:1 to 250 ft dsplcd thld.
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