WA09 - Roche Harbor

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Roche Harbor is a private airport that is open to the public with certain restrictions. Notably, night operations are not permitted. See the following document for more airport info: https://www.rocheharbor.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Roche-Harbor-Airfield-Info.pdf

There is a small road/walkway on the off of the west end of the field that leads to the resort. There are a few restaurants available and other services. The resort also has lodging available, but during the summer it sells out far in advance.

Last updated: 2023-03-05 23:04:30 PST
Transient Parking

Transient parking is available on the northwest end of the runway during the summer. This area is sloped down towards the runway. Bringing chocks is recommended unless you really trust your parking brake!

Note that parking is only allowed in the grass during May - October. Park on the paved ramp during the winter.

Last updated: 2023-09-29 22:33:09 PDT
Fuel Location

No fuel. FHR nearby has fuel.

Last updated: 2023-09-29 22:33:24 PDT
Landing & Tie-down Fees

There is a $10 landing fee for all flights regardless of how long you will be on the ground. Additionally, there is a $5 overnight fee.

Last updated: 2023-03-05 23:03:06 PST
Crew Car Availability
Flying Clubs
WiFi Access

Hotel de Haro lobby has Wifi

Last updated: 2023-04-03 08:37:04 PDT
Airport Statistics
Location: Roche Harbor, WA
Elevation: 100ft
Sectional: Seattle
Activation date: Jul 1961
Fuel: None
Runway 07/25: 3,593ft
Access: Open to the public
This airport is privately owned but open to the public.
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  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    One of my favorite destinations. Good place for walks on nearby roads and through the old limestone quarries.

    Created almost 2 years ago (2023-04-03 15:38:47 UTC)
    Helpful count: 0
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