[Majors Flying Club](https://www.majorsflyingclub.org) has an Archer and a 150 here.
Fuel Location
Full-serve 100LL and JetA are available at the airport during normal operating hours.There is a 100LL self-serve station located just to the south of the FBO that is in operation 24 hours per day.
Full-serve 100LL and JetA are available at the airport during normal operating hours.
There is also a 100LL self-serve station located just to the south of the FBO that is in operation 24 hours per day.
Transient Parking
There is limited transient parking available.
There is limited transient parking available on the GA ramp.
There are generally two late model city-owned courtesy cars available for local use. They are first-come, first-serve, but you can sometimes call ahead and have them hold one for you.
Flying Clubs
Majors Flying Club
Fuel Location
Full-serve 100LL and JetA are available at the airport during normal operating hours. There is a 100LL self-serve station located just to the south of the FBO that is in operation 24 hours per day.