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This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey.
+100 ft transmission twrs e of arpt.
Birds on and invof ap.
Tpa 1000 ft w & 800 ft e.
Noise sensitive area se thru nw of arpt. rcmd acft ldg at palo alto arpt fly at or above 1500 ft until xng the bayshore freeway, and rcmd acft dep rwy 31 turn 10 deg right after tkof til rchg dumbarton auto bridge.
Be alert for pedestrains xng a dike road 8 ft high and 300 ft from rwy 13 end.
Cons pedestrian/vehicle act on acft taxi lanes not designated as twy mov areas.
Arpt scty prods in efct.
On apch to rwy 31 be alert to poss stg updraft fm wind tunnel lctd on w side of moffett federal airfield.
Arpt rstrd by arpt opr to acft with max certd wt of 12500 lbs or less.
For cd when atct is clsd ctc norcal apch at 916-361-3748.