4 months ago
2024-11-27 00:03:42 PST
10 months ago
2024-05-16 23:59:08 PDT
Busy towered GA airport with more than 100 aircraft on the field. Easy access to Silicon Valley. No jet traffic.
Make sure to familiarize yourself with the surrounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC)
- PAO is a busy, towered GA airport with more than 100 aircraft on the field. It provides easy access to Silicon Valley. No jet traffic is allowed.
- Make sure to familiarize yourself with the surrounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC).
Advantage Aviation, WVFC, Stanford Flying Club, JATO all near the golf course
- * [West Valley Flying Club](https://wvfc.org/)
- * [Stanford Flying Club](https://flystanford.com/)(for those associated with the university)
- * Advantage Aviation (flight school)
- * JATO (flight school)
- All are located near the golf course.
- Advantage Aviation, WVFC, Stanford Flying Club, JATO all near the golf course
About 1 year ago
2024-01-03 19:32:50 PST
Over 1 year ago
2023-10-19 12:40:43 PDT
- Transient parking is located on Uniform row and signs are posted for information on paying parking fees.
- Busy towered GA airport with more than 100 aircraft on the field. Easy access to Silicon Valley. No jet traffic.
Make sure to familiarize yourself with the sureounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC)
- Busy towered GA airport with more than 100 aircraft on the field. Easy access to Silicon Valley. No jet traffic.
- Make sure to familiarize yourself with the surrounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC)
Almost 2 years ago
2023-04-14 12:38:07 PDT
fuel trucks and self serve available
- Both fuel trucks and self-serve are available.
Almost 2 years ago
2023-04-13 23:48:15 PDT
Busy towered GA airport with more than 100 aircrafts on yhe field. Easy access to silicon valley. No jet traffic.
- Make sure to familiarize yourself with the sureounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC)
- Busy towered GA airport with more than 100 aircraft on the field. Easy access to Silicon Valley. No jet traffic.
- Make sure to familiarize yourself with the sureounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC)
- Busy towered GA airport with more than 100 aircrafts on yhe field. Easy access to silicon valley. No jet traffic.
- Make sure to familiarize yourself with the sureounding airspace (Class B SFO and Class C OAK and SJC)
- fuel trucks and self serve available
About 2 years ago
2023-02-02 20:58:57 PST
About 2 years ago
2023-02-02 20:58:57 PST
About 2 years ago
2023-02-02 20:58:57 PST