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Last updated: 2024-03-08 21:05:46 CST
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Arpt estd prior to 1959. no objection for asp on rwys 12l/30r & 16/34 only.
Birds & wildlife on and invof arpt. pyrotechnics, wildlife laser bird ctl in use.
Noise sensitive area n and s of arpt.
Conds not rprtd; sun 1530l-0630l on mon, mon fm 2100l-0630l, tues fm 1530l-0630l on wed, wed fm 1530l-0630l on thurs, thurs from 2100l-0630l on fri, fri fm 2100l-0630l on sat, sat 1530l-0630l on sun.
Noise abatement procs: rwy 34 hold pad preferred run up area for turbine acft; align acft at 190 deg while waiting tkof or run ups. rwy 16 hold pad; align acft at 315 deg.
No edge lgts on twy f, p, q, t - reflectors only.
Area 2 & 3, hangar 5 & 6 apron, ne t hangars, sw t hangars permitted tenant acft prkg only.
Acft transversing ne hngrs; enter on quebec exit on papa.
Rwy guard lgts not avbl at all rwy and twy ints.
Nmrs cranes invof arpt.
For cd when atct clsd, and if una on freq, ctc chicago apch at 847-289-0926.
Pref maintenance run up area: txy c abm the twr; exhaust facing twd cntr of arpt. rwy 34 hold pad: align acft at 190 deg while waiting tkof or run ups. maintenance runs at the 16 hold pad prohibitied. no turbine eng runs btwn 2200l and 0700l all week. radio ctc required with tower at all times.
Taxilane p; twr view prly obstd by hngrs & trees. taxilane q and ne hngrs; twr view prly obstd by bldgs & trees. twy t and sw hngrs; twr view prly obstd by hngrs.
Twy f clsd to acft wingspan more than 40 ft.
Twy b btn apch end rwy 24 and area 2 ramp clsd to acft wingspan more than 40 ft.
All tran acft clrg customs must utilize fbo aft clrd. u.s. cbp user fees billed by fbos only.
Us cust user fee arpt. for cust clnc 2 hr min advn notice rqrd mon-fri 1100-1900. ctc cust at 847-894-7292.
Ext 119 & ext 114.
Engineered materials arresting system (emas) ry 16 dep end: 242.97 ft in length by 170.10 ft in width, setback 35 ft from ry end.
Engineered materials arresting system (emas) ry 34 dep end: 230.82 ft in length by 170.10 ft in width, setback 304.18 ft from ry end.
Controlling obstn exceeds a 45 deg slp.
Apch ratio is 20:1 at dsplcd thr.
Apch ratio 20:1 at dsplcd thr.
Apch ratio is 21:1 at dsplcd thr.
Papi unusbl byd 8 deg left & right of cntrln.
Apch ratio 22:1 at dsplcd thr.
Rwy 12/30 preferred for ops btn 2200l and 0700l for noise abatement purposes.
Pwk arrival alert notice published for landing northwest rwy 34 and rwy 30. visit faa.gov/airports/runway_safety/hotspots/aan/pwk-arrival-alert-notice.pdf