KMTH is a friendly airport with lots of nearby watersports activities (kayaking, fishing) near the airport. There's also a crew car available to run to any of the nearby restaurants. [Million Air runs the FBO](
KMTH is a friendly airport with lots of nearby watersports activities (kayaking, fishing) near the airport. There's also a crew car available to run to any of the nearby restaurants. Million Air runs the FBO.
GA (piston) parking is on the east side of the ramp (Runway 25 departure end), and jet parking is on the west side of the ram (Runway 7 departure end).
GA (piston) parking is on the east side of the ramp (Runway 25 departure end), and jet parking is on the west side of the ram (Runway 7 departure end).
Crew cars are available in the FBO, and its worth the stop to borrow one and visit a local restaurant.
Crew cars are available in the FBO, and its worth the stop to borrow one and visit a local restaurant.
Ceiling: | 4,300ft |
Wind: | 030° @ 11kt, gusts 21kt |
Temperature: | 69°F |
Dewpoint: | 57°F |
Weather: | N/A |
Visbility: | 10SM |
Clouds: | Overcast @ 4,300ft |
KMTH 211653Z AUTO 03011G21KT 10SM OVC043 21/14 A3022 RMK AO2 SLP232 T02110144 $
Ceiling: | 4,000ft |
Wind: | 030° @ 11kt, gusts 21kt |
Weather: | N/A |
Visbility: | 6SM |
Clouds: | Broken @ 4,000ft |
KMTH 211441Z 2115/2212 03011G21KT P6SM BKN040 FM212200 06010G19KT P6SM BKN050
Ceiling: | 5,000ft |
Wind: | 060° @ 10kt, gusts 19kt |
Weather: | N/A |
Visbility: | 6SM |
Clouds: | Broken @ 5,000ft |
KMTH 211441Z 2115/2212 03011G21KT P6SM BKN040 FM212200 06010G19KT P6SM BKN050