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Rstd - no 180 deg turns pmtd on asph section of rwy 06/24.
Caution: birds and deer haz. pje vcnty of arpt.
Cstms/ag/img: us cstms clnc svc avbl with pn (frg) 631-753-2691 (mil flts will coord thru base opns 631-723-7362/7364). min 24 hr pn on rglr bus day precdng svc rqr date, max pax 15. us cstms hrs btn 0800 and 2200 local.
Class d airspace eff 1200-0400z++; ot class g.
Military: ang: ppr offl bus. for use of ang ramp. offl bus only ppr all acft, 48 hr pn, ctc afld ops dsn 456-7362, c631-723-7362 drg duty hr. tue-fri ppr drg off-duty hr. 106 og/cc apvl required nml duty hr. nml duty hr 1200-2130++ mon-fri. clsd sat, sun, hol and ev otr mon. ltd ramp space. tran acft may be diverted to civ fbo drg non-duty hr. non-standard markings on hh-60 apron; white painted lines denoting a roadway on the apron by the pods indicating where a vehicle must drive in order to maintain all necessary wingtip clearances.
Voluntary noise abatement procs in efct; see arpt website.
Ang: advsy for tran aircrews - wing tip clnc waiver in effect on guard c-130 ramp.
Fuel: a++ (mil) avbl.
For cd when atct clsd ctc new york apch at 516-683-2449.
Rcmdd rsvn with fbo prior to arr.
When safety and opns allow, rwy 24 pref for noise abatement.