The Spruce Goose Cafe and proximity to Seattle makes this airport a popular $100 hamburger location. A taxi into town is about $15-20 and there is no Uber or Lyft options.
The Spruce Goose Cafe and proximity to Seattle makes this airport a popular $100 hamburger location. A taxi into town is about $15-20 and there are no Uber or Lyft options.
Almost 2 years ago
2023-03-29 16:49:44 PDT
Crew Car Availability
There historically has been a crew car. but in 2023 it's been unavailable or hard to get info about.
The Spruce Goose Cafe and proximity to Seattle makes this airport a popular $100 hamburger location.
The Spruce Goose Cafe and proximity to Seattle makes this airport a popular $100 hamburger location. A taxi into town is about $15-20 and there is no Uber or Lyft options.