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Clsd to acr opns with more than 30 psgr seats exc ppr; call amgr (925) 681-4200. arff svcs avbl 24 hrs with prior apvl from arpt admin.
Rwys 14r/32l & 1r/19l not avbl for sked acr opns with more than 9 psgr seats or unsked acr at least 31 psgr seats.
Noise sensitive area practice noise abatement (fly quiet) procs.
Lndg fee for coml opns & tie down fee for overnight parking.
+8 ft fence 110 ft byd ry 01l toda dstc of 5010 and +7 ft fence 210 ft byd ry 14l toda dstc of 4601 ft along the extdd ry cntrl.
Arpt has noise abatement procedures ctc amgr prior to arr (925) 681-4200.
Birds on & invof arpt heaviest concentration nov-mar and after rainstorms.
When atct clsd rys 14l/32r; 14r/32l & 01r/19l clsd.
No training operations mon-fri 2200-0700; sat sun & hol 2200-0800.
Arff svc avbl upon req with 24 hr ntc.
When atct clsd call travis apch ctl (suu) clnc del 707-424-5111.
Arpt sfc conds not mnt 2200-0700.
Actvt mals rwy 19r 2200-0600; papi rwy 01l, 19r, & 32r - 119.7. reil rwy 01l off when atct clsd.
Steve callahan (925) 383-1384 (cell), michael vitalich (925) 348-4014 (cell), and bikramjit bhullar (925) 405-7881 (cell), contra costa county, supervisors of airport operations, buchanan field and byron airports. office contact number is (925) 681-4200.
Papi does not provide obstruction clearance byd 4.0 nm from thr.
Std left tfc when atct clsd.
Apch ratio 50:1 to dsplcd thr.
Apch ratio 50:1 to dsplcd thr.
Rwy 01r/19l pavement has high severity block cracking, longl and transverse cracking, patching, and weathering.
Michael vitalich, 925-348-4014 (cell) and bikramjit bhullar, 925-405-7881 (cell), contra costa county, supervisors of airport operations, buchanan field and byron arpts. ofc ctc nr is 925-681-4200.