Hangar One Cafe is located on the field.
Hangar One Cafe is located on the field.
Transient parking is east of flight school next to Cafe before the GA hangars.
Transient parking is east of flight school next to Cafe before the GA hangars.
Fuel is on the GA Ramp, west of Flight School and east of CalFire rotorcraft near the taxiway.
Fuel is on the GA Ramp, west of Flight School and east of CalFire rotorcraft near the taxiway.
[Hemacinto Valley Flying Club]( has a Cherokee here.
Hemacinto Valley Flying Club has a Cherokee here.
Ceiling: | Sky clear |
Wind: | 210° @ 16kt, gusts 20kt |
Temperature: | 64°F |
Dewpoint: | 48°F |
Weather: | N/A |
Visbility: | 10SM |
KHMT 172215Z AUTO 21016G20KT 10SM CLR 18/09 A3004 RMK AO2