VUO - Pearson Fld

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Last updated: 2023-05-08 14:18:59 PDT
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Last updated: 2023-12-14 16:31:23 PST
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Location: Vancouver, WA
Elevation: 28ft
Sectional: Seattle
Activation date: Jan 1939
Fuel: 100LL (prices)
Runway 08/26: 3,275ft
Access: Open to the public
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Current Weather — VFR
  • Weather data is strictly informational and not for flight planning purposes.
    2024-12-21 04:53:00 PST
    Ceiling: Sky clear
    Wind: 290° @ 3kt
    Temperature: 44°F
    Dewpoint: 39°F
    Weather: N/A
    Visbility: 10SM
    Raw: KVUO 211253Z AUTO 29003KT 10SM CLR 07/04 A2974 RMK AO2 SLP069 T00720044
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Direct links to live image URLs will be displayed inline on this page. URLs to separate webpages will be linked to.
  • This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey.
  • When operg over the ry cntrln or ry cntrln extdd - maintain at or blo 700 ft msl due to tfc & wake turbulence from overflying acft to/from portland international arpt (pdx) ry 10l/28r. pdx ry 10l/28r extdd cntrln crosses pearson ry 08 thld.
  • Geese on and invof arpt.
  • Avoid overflying the fort vancouver stockade (national park), lct 360 ft north of the west end of rwy 8-26.
  • Arrivals ctc pearson adzy on 119.0 prior to entering spl flt rules area (sfra) for tfc & wake turb adzys, deps ctc pearson adzy on 119.0 prior to dep. --mandatory vfr advzy svc freq 119.0 --spl flt rules area - far 93.163 --refer to chart suppl spl notice for full proc apch at 866-640-4124.
  • Actvt papi rwy 26; mirl rwy 08/26 - ctaf.
  • City of vancouver and nps.
  • Cell 360-904-9007
  • This comment was flagged as outdated on .

    Unusual procedures, see this or similar videos on the topic:

    Created over 1 year ago (2023-05-08 20:09:13 UTC)
    Helpful count: 1
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